Wednesday, 13 May 2009

An end to restart problems on Mac OS 10.5.7

I've been running on 10.5.7 for a little while before the official release and having problems with the machine refusing to shutdown properly. Yesterday I ran across a discussion board support comment that recommended removing items from your home directory ~/Library/Plug-ins directory and removing the top level /Library/Preferences/ file.
I don't know which one solved the problem because I couldn't be bothered doing one at a time, but I ended up removing an old DiskImages directory in my plug-ins which had a VirtualPCDiskImagePlugin.bundle in it that seemed to be creating errors in my log at startup, and I removed the loginwindow.plist file. Now everything seems to be working smoothly again!
This post marks a return to blogger, because I've decide to blog again from time to time and it's the easiest option for me right now!
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